Lose the Love Handles You Hate! — Part 2 The question I am asked more than any other, is "How do I lose my love handles?" It's the reason I created my Hard Core Abs...
Have You Forgotten Your Fitness Goals? Here is an email from a 40-year-old woman who has children, works and is trying to fit fitness into her life this year.
How to Lose Weight and Get Fit for Military Duty Those who are overweight typically are not meeting the minimum physical fitness standards for their chosen branch of service.
How to Lose Stubborn Love Handles The number one item if you will notice is food intake. As with any fitness and health goal - nutrition and exercise are...
Looking for a Challenge? Give This Advanced Workout a Try. Here is a workout that incorporates some of the challenging events advanced-level military members will see during their...
Ask Stew: Losing 40 Pounds Stands Between Future Soldier and the Army Many (too many) of America's men, women and teenagers are overweight. Recent alarming statistics conclude the following.
'You'd Be Amazed at What You Can Achieve': 3-Time Deployer Becomes a Bodybuilder Fitness goals are like people; no two are exactly alike. And how people develop their fitness goals typically evolves and...
Lose the Love Handles You Hate! — Part 1 Clients and gym class participants always ask me, "How do I lose my love handles?" Many think it's just with more crunches...
Ask Stew: Are Low-Carb Diets a Good Idea to Lose Weight? As a rule, never eliminate macronutrients, such as protein, carbs or fat, from your diet.
How We Easily Can Get Sidetracked by Fitness Gadgets I often get emails from people about certain programs, gadgets, fitness videos, GPS devices, music, heart-rate monitors and...
A Leg Day Challenge for Longevity: Working Your Heart and Lungs With Your Legs When developing longevity is your priority over one-rep maxes and timed-run events, consider the three most important “organs...
How to Select the Best Swim Stroke for the Navy Physical Screening Test When taking the Navy Physical Screening Test -- the common fitness test for jobs in the Navy that require swimming and diving...
Plan Goals for Your Workout: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time in the Gym Having a plan to do everything you want is critical to finding that efficient sweet spot between your efforts and your time.
How to Deal with Burnout During Your Military Fitness Training Even with a solid recovery plan, if your workouts are the same routine each week, you may want to mix it up.