How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
How to Prepare for the Navy SEAL Fitness Test The problem with many Americans is that the current fitness and health conditions they maintain are not good enough for a...
How the 'Common PFT' Is Popular with US Military, Law Enforcement More than half of the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies use what I call the "Common PFT."
The Importance of Training Before You Enter the Military Here is a list of just a few of the many former military officers and enlisted who train civilians to lose weight and prepare...
Tactical Fitness and Special Ops Training Learn which training methods would be most useful for passing Special Ops fitness tests.
A 'Dirty Dozen' of Tactical Fitness Training and Testing Ideas Training large groups with varied fitness levels is one of the most challenging things to accomplish with success.
Why the 'Common PFT' Has Become the Fitness Standard While the regular military and law enforcement agencies use the "Common PFT," the specialized groups in these units have more...
How to Lose Weight and Get Fit for Military Duty Those who are overweight typically are not meeting the minimum physical fitness standards for their chosen branch of service.
Start off the Year Strong with This TRX Workout If you are looking for something more challenging to try out in 2017, try this TRX or suspension training program.
Why You Should Focus on Form, Not Weight, in This TRX Workout Here is a challenging variety of exercises and “rest exercises” mixed with a few cardio options as well.
How to Select the Best Swim Stroke for the Navy Physical Screening Test When taking the Navy Physical Screening Test -- the common fitness test for jobs in the Navy that require swimming and diving...
Plan Goals for Your Workout: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time in the Gym Having a plan to do everything you want is critical to finding that efficient sweet spot between your efforts and your time.
How to Deal with Burnout During Your Military Fitness Training Even with a solid recovery plan, if your workouts are the same routine each week, you may want to mix it up.
5 Metabolic Health Factors that Can Determine Your Future A 2018 study found that only one in eight Americans are considered metabolically healthy, with more recent studies showing...