Here's a Fun Leg Day and Run Routine Working your lungs and legs while focusing on more muscle stamina will help with longer timed runs or rucks.
Here Are My Top 10 Pyramid Routines Use pyramid program workouts to build up to a max effort lift or body weight repetition.
How to Make the Fall Transition from Long Runs to a Shorter, Faster Pace Here is a workout where we transition out of the higher miles and go into shorter, faster intervals.
Swimming Workout Options for Non-Competitive Swimmers Here is a workout that features several types of swim skills that you can mix and match and get great non-impact aerobic...
Friday Cardio Day: Non-impact, Running, Swimming Ideas Here is a way you can do both while it is still not too dark; it, at least, should last you until we roll the clocks back.
Tough Mix of a Few Types of Workouts Eventually, what was a workout becomes a warmup as you progress into bigger and better conditioning.
Workout of the Week: TRX Options #2 — Circuit Options Sometimes you need a break from high-repetition calisthenics and/or heavy weight training in your program.
Favorite Workout of the Week: Crawls, Carries and Core Add exercises that both work the body at different angles or planes while holding or wearing additional weight.
A Way to Train: Push-Pull-Leg-Full-Core-Cardio If you are a regular at the gym or train consistently, you may often look for something new to try. Here's a system for you.
Tactical Strength: Workout of the Week The goal for preparing for selection, advanced training or basic training is to make sure that you work on your weaknesses.
How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility to Handle Swimming with Fins Ankle mobility is the root cause of pain when it comes to swimming with fins, which requires both practice and stretching.
5 Tips to Recommit to a Healthier Lifestyle Start by embracing simple beginner routines that act as steppingstones, providing guidance without the initial intimidation.
This 2-Part Swimming Workout Will Help Anyone with Water Confidence You must swim, tread and place your face in the water to overcome any water fears. Here is a workout that will progressively...
How Improving Your Tactical Fitness Can Make You a Better Service Member The development of the elements of fitness, ensuring a military member is proficient in all of them, is a journey that adapts...
5 Reasons Why Service Members Need Physical Training for Job Performance Beyond Fitness Tests While the initial physical assessment is a crucial entry-point event, it hardly scratches the surface of what is necessary...