Ask Stew: What Are You Going to Do First? Going back to normal will be nice, but how you do it can make a big difference in training smart or preventing injury.
Core, Grip Strength and Cardio: This Farmer’s Walk Workout Covers It All The farmer’s walk is the ultimate complementary exercise, working the arm muscles, shoulders, back and legs while focusing on...
How to Build the Mental Toughness Required of Special Operations Selections Most people, even scientists studying physiology and psychology, are puzzled by the mind-body connection.
6 Game-Changing Workout Strategies for Beginners or Anyone Restarting Their Fitness Journey Many people new to fitness or experiencing prolonged absences wonder how often they should work out as beginners and what...
4 Reasons to Remove the ‘Pullout’ from Military Swim Fitness Tests When taking military swimming tests that require the breaststroke or the side stroke (also known as the combat side stroke...
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.