How You Can Improve Quickly and Test Well on Sit-ups If you are seeking a military or law enforcement job, you likely will see an entrance exam that requires you to score well in...
PT Progression Series: Combining Hardcore Full-Body Movements with PT/Run The PT Progression Series focuses on how to develop skills for fitness testing. Part 5 advances to full-body movements and...
PT Progression Series: How Max-Rep Sets Can Jump-Start Your Workouts The PT Progression Series is a series of answers about how to develop skills for fitness testing. Part 3 focuses on building...
PT Progression Series: How Mixing Running and PT Can Improve Your Times The PT Progression Series is a series of answers about how to develop skills for fitness testing. Part 4 adds running to the...
PT Progression Series: Why Pyramids Are a Foundation Workout The PT Progression Series is a series of answers about how to develop skills for fitness testing. The PT pyramid is the...
PT Progression Series: Building a Better Workout with Supersets The PT Progression Series is a series of answers about how to develop skills for fitness testing. The superset is another...
You Asked, and Stew Smith Answers Your Top 10 Fitness Questions Here are the questions that Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, considers his top 10. All are relevant to...
These Three Workouts Target Your Specific Weakness Whether you are overweight, a running athlete or a strength athlete, everyone has a weakness that can be developed.
Four Common Denominators to Help You Graduate to Spec Ops Because of proper physical training, your body has a better foundation to remain fit throughout training and not become...
Science Says It's Not Too Late to Start Your Fitness Journey Now It is never too late to start, whether you took a few decades off from exercising after your early 20s or are entirely new to...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The 2 Voices in Your Head: 4 Tips for Controlling Them with a Positive Mindset We all have that inner voice designed to help us stay alive, avoid discomfort and survive as creatures on Earth.
The Importance of Including Flexibility and Mobility Training in Your Fitness Plan If you need to work on flexibility in your muscles and mobility of your joints, these life-changing workouts can help.