The Challenges of Passing Military Swimming Tests One of the toughest swims I receive emails for on a weekly basis is the underwater swim , especially from Navy SEAL and Air...
Why the 'Common PFT' Has Become the Fitness Standard While the regular military and law enforcement agencies use the "Common PFT," the specialized groups in these units have more...
The Push-up System Over the years, I have developed several methods to increase push-ups and have written articles on ways to implement them...
Push-up Push Workout The program is a 10-day plan that requires push-ups daily, but it still has some sound physiological rules that incorporate...
These Options Could Make You a Faster Swimmer People often email Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, asking about swimming skills and techniques to get...
How to Lose Weight and Get Fit for Military Duty Those who are overweight typically are not meeting the minimum physical fitness standards for their chosen branch of service.
Preparing for a Marathon Run There usually are one or two things that give out on you when running. It is either your lungs or your legs.
How Assessing Your Fitness Can Save Your Life or Those You Love Assessing your abilities regularly can help you one day, when needed, to save yourself, your family, your teammates or other...
How to Build Speed and Power for PT Tests Depending upon the branch of service, the PT tests vary in exercises, timed events and run distances.
How to Crush Military Fitness Tests Depending upon the branch of service, the PT tests vary in exercises, timed events and run distances.
Core, Grip Strength and Cardio: This Farmer’s Walk Workout Covers It All The farmer’s walk is the ultimate complementary exercise, working the arm muscles, shoulders, back and legs while focusing on...
How to Build the Mental Toughness Required of Special Operations Selections Most people, even scientists studying physiology and psychology, are puzzled by the mind-body connection.
6 Game-Changing Workout Strategies for Beginners or Anyone Restarting Their Fitness Journey Many people new to fitness or experiencing prolonged absences wonder how often they should work out as beginners and what...
4 Reasons to Remove the ‘Pullout’ from Military Swim Fitness Tests When taking military swimming tests that require the breaststroke or the side stroke (also known as the combat side stroke...
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.