Here's How You Should Train for Boot Camp What do I need to do to prepare for boot camp? This article will be a one-stop shop for people to find links on boot-camp...
The Importance of Training Before You Enter the Military Here is a list of just a few of the many former military officers and enlisted who train civilians to lose weight and prepare...
Tactical Fitness and Special Ops Training Learn which training methods would be most useful for passing Special Ops fitness tests.
Tactical Fitness: What Type of Rucksack Should You Get for Training? A future service member asks Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, about the best rucksacks with which to train...
Ask Stew: How to Train Properly for Tactical Professions Where some special-ops candidates fail is that they don't drop the heavy weights and switch to higher-rep calisthenics to...
The Harder Line in Training For some time, the U.S. Air Force has been preparing to begin tougher training, with a goal of instilling warrior core values...
How to Master Obstacle Courses Many pre-military and law enforcement recruits preparing for training programs often don't have an obstacle course available...
How to Prepare Yourself for Boot Camp Why show up at your boot camp or a service academy unprepared for the physical fitness test?
Air Force Pre-Boot Camp Workout Here is the Air Force's recommended workout schedule. It's designed to prepare you for basic training and help you get the...
Air Force BMT Physical Fitness Test The Air Force Basic Military Training (BMT) physical fitness test is a three-event test used to test your endurance.
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.
5 Rules for Adding Workouts to Your Military Unit's Daily PT Sessions Adding workouts for your group at your military unit's morning PT sessions each week is one of the more difficult things to...
How the Tactical Athlete Benefits from Cardio Exercises After Leg Workouts For most athletes, leg days and cardio challenge the body and mind, but for tactical athletes, topping off leg days with...
How to Add Stretching and Breathing Exercises into Your Daily Fitness Training Since breathing is the first and last thing we do on this Earth, it makes sense to be good at it for all our breaths in...
5 Important Questions 50- to 60-Year-Olds Should Ask to Start Building for Longevity As people transition into their 50s, 60s and beyond, the importance of health and wellness becomes increasingly evident.