Survive Transition Finally, A Transition Program Designed with Military Spouses in Mind A New Retreat Offers Seasoned Spouses a Chance to Focus on Themselves Before Transition Why Spouses Should Take Advantage of Transition Classes Free Year of Linkedin Premium Now Available for Veteran Caregivers How Military Spouses Can Use the Transition Assistance Program VA Suspends All Discharges from Caregiver Program View more Spouse Retirement Resources How Military Households Can Avoid Unexpected Costs When Filing Their First Civilian Taxes Here's what military service members can do to reduce the likelihood of unpleasant errors in their first year of filing taxes... Ask Lacey: How Service Members Can Stick to a Financial Budget Military-life curveballs such as mobilizations, an unplanned permanent change of station or unexpected moving costs make... How to Keep Your Finances in Check All Year Long By reviewing your finances throughout the year, you can catch problems early, adjust your plans and make sure you're always... 5 Ways Military Families Can Start to Get Ahead Financially Here are five actionable ideas derived from certified financial planner JJ Montanaro's take on the first Military Financial... Ask Lacey: Does Paying Off Debt or Investing for the Future Take Priority? It’s usually better to eliminate your debt, or at least reduce it, before investing in long-term savings such as your IRA. What to Do (and What Not to Do) with Your Pay Raise Here's what to do -- and what not to do -- to ensure your pay raise sets you up for financial success. The Best Personal Finance Tools and Resources for Military Households These are some of the best resources of financial information and advice tailored to military service members. What to Do with Your 2025 Military Pay Raise Being strategic with their pay raise can help service members stay out of predatory situations while staying out of debt for... Investing for Junior Troops: A Guide to Making Your Money Multiply If you have a lot to learn about investing, be aware that some of the information out there is not so good. Where should you... What to Look for on Your January Leave and Earnings Statement It's important to check your military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) each month, but the January LES is more important... Your Year-End Financial Action Plan, Part 4: Maximizing Retirement Use this year-end evaluation as an opportunity to discuss and get aligned on your retirement goals and portfolio. Your Year-End Financial Action Plan, Part I: Setting the Stage A year-end financial review, when done right, acts as a recalibration for the goals that matter most to you and your family. Why Thanksgiving Is the Perfect Time for Important Financial Conversations in Your Military Family In military families, where change is constant and the future is sometimes uncertain, Thanksgiving offers a rare and valuable... Tricare Changes are Coming in 2025. Here’s What Beneficiaries Need to Know Right Now Tricare beneficiaries need to be aware of changes taking place in both the East and West regions and may need to take action... When Is a Good Time to Change Your Thrift Savings Plan Investments? If an investor is feeling a lot of stress regarding their investments, that could indicate that it’s time to reevaluate their... Keep Your Military Money Nightmares at Bay More dreadful than a haunted house tour in a hearse, tales of financial doom aren't fiction. They're painful realities. But... 4 Bad Excuses to Opt Out of the Military's Thrift Savings Plan Here are four themes driving service members' decision not to contribute to the military's Thrift Savings Plan and why I... Do Military Households Have Misconceptions About Retirement? Here’s What They Said in a New Survey From building a solid financial foundation to preparing for emergencies and planning for retirement, the results of a recent... More Options, Better Predictability: What Military Households Want from Their Retirement Plans If a new survey is any indicator, building a plan for the execution stage of retirement is clearly on the mind of the... Military Families Less Likely to Dip into Retirement Savings, Survey Says -- with One Big Exception Those who wear or have worn the military uniform, based on this particular survey, appear less likely to have tapped their... 5 Reasons to Pay Attention During the Military's Financial 'Touchpoint' Training Taking full advantage of financial touchpoint training can be one of the smartest moves service members make to build a... 4 Things 'Gray Area' Reservists Need to Do When They Turn 60 Finally receiving that hard-earned military retirement pay at age 60 is a big deal, and you definitely want to get that... Pieces of a Pie: How to Start Saving for Retirement Right Now Your retirement income will likely come from a variety of sources. Imagining retirement income as pie pieces can make the... Intimidated by Investing? Do It Systematically One way to ease the fear of investing is to do it systematically. Here's why. Build Up from a Solid Financial Foundation with This Pyramid-Style Approach If retirement planning and preparation is an area of your life you are looking to build out, here are a few items you might... 5 Reasons to Spring-Clean Your Retirement Plans Focusing some of your spring cleaning on successful retirement plans and investments can yield beneficial results. 5 Tools to Add to Your Retirement Toolkit If retirement planning and preparation is an area of your life you are looking to build out, here are a few items you might... New Employer Tax Credit Helps Military Spouses Get 401(k) Retirement Benefits The Secure 2.0 Act provided the new credit to incentivize employers to quickly enroll and vest spouses in the plans. How Much Life Insurance Do Military Families Need? 5 Questions Answered Here are answers to several of the most common questions I have received about life insurance from military members over the... Why Now Is (Really) the Time to Apply for VA Benefits When I retired from the Army Reserve, the last thing on my mind was applying for VA health care and benefits. As a financial... 5 Financial Fundamentals to Factor into Your Civilian Job Hunt Here are five fundamental, and evergreen, money considerations related to selecting your next job, career or career path. 5 Ways to Declare Your Financial Independence This Summer Here are five ways to declare your independence from debt, plus financial steps to improve your life, liberty and the pursuit... 3 Ways Military Service Members Can Take Advantage of an IRA Individual retirement accounts involve special considerations if you are a military member. Here are three things to know. As... Want to Ruin Your Finances? Here Are 8 Ways to Do It You may be on a path that leads to financial ruin, and that's not funny. A Military Approach to Managing Your Money Lessons learned in the military can translate into ideas to better manage your money. Taking a few liberties, here are five... 5 Rules to Fight ‘Apocalyptically’ Dangerous Debt Here are five rules to live by, whether you find yourself in an unlikely post-apocalyptic scenario or just trying to cope... 5 Reasons to Conquer Your Fear and Start Investing Systematically Investing can be a scary proposition, but it doesn't have to be that way. A simple solution to eliminate fear from the... 6 Ideas for Cleaning Up Your Finances With all that's happened in the world over the past couple of years, it's a good time to focus your energy on cleaning up... How to Earn More Interest from Your Cash Now That Rates Are Up Here are six factors to think about as you review your situation and determine how best to save during this time of high... 4 Strategies to Help Couples Prosper Financially A successful relationship requires hard work and a lot of money. OK, just kidding -- well, mostly kidding. The reality is... 5 Signs SBP Open Season Could Make Sense for You Here are five financial red flags that should have you considering the Survivor Benefit Plan open season. 4 Strategies to 'Enhance' Your Retirement Here are four things you can do to put yourself in a better place financially, regardless of what happens in the broader... 7 Ways the New Secure 2.0 Act Could Help You Save for Retirement To help Americans save for retirement, the Secure 2.0 Act includes promising provisions that will be implemented over the... Why Airbnb Host May Be a Good Option for Retirement The Balcavages are Airbnb hosts; they make a business of renting out the bottom level of their house to short-term guests. How to Invest at Each Stage of Your Military Career Whether you're active duty, Reserve or National Guard, managing your day-to-day finances can have its unique challenges... 'Military House Hacking' Wants to Reshape Your Definition of Retirement The military teaches its troops financial "readiness," but that doesn't necessarily mean financial success. This group of... Why Vet-Owned Small Businesses Should Offer Retirement Benefits Why offering retirement benefits, even with just a handful of employees, makes better business -- and could be free. Everything You Need to Know About The MyPay Website The military MyPay website is your one-stop-shop for everything pay related. New VA Advisory Council to Highlight Family, Caregiver Issues Caregiver, survivor and veteran family issues soon will be pushed directly to the Department of Veterans Affairs' top... How to Start Saving for Retirement Military Saves Week runs from April 15-19, 2024. Here’s how to start saving for retirement now. Retiree Has Abandoned Their Disabled Children Retiree's wife wants to know if anyone can help her children get the military benefits to which they're entitled. How to Host a Military Retirement Party Wait, do I have to plan a retirement ceremony, too? Here are some ideas on how to pull it off. View more Hot on Spouse Channel Does the Commissary Raise Prices on Payday? Should I Quit My Job to Spend Time With My Husband? These are Taya Kyle's Marriage Hopes and Regrets How to Get Seasonal Employment as a Military Spouse Should His Command Know He's a Sex Addict? 5 Marriage Tips From a Divorced Military Spouse Living with the Military The 5 Connections We're Thankful for This Year One of the most remarkable things about building a career or launching a successful job search is how people will help you... Do You Need a Tricare Case Manager? Instead of a different person every time on the helpline, a case manager is devoted to helping you get through the system. How Can I Hide That I'm a Military Spouse? You may not be able to hide your military spouse status -- and in some cases, you may not need to. So You've Hit a Marriage Setback: 3 Steps No matter where your military marriage problems come from, you don't have to deal with them alone. Career Planning for the Military Spouse How can you grow your own career while still supporting your spouse? How Military Spouses Pay for College How do you pay for college when you haven't got a dime? With our guide, you'll be cracking those books in no time. Military Life Topics Subscribe to Our Newsletters New Military Spouses Spouse Groups Emergency Preparedness Military Resources Military Transition Spouse Transition Checklist Select Service My Membership My Membership Army Marines Navy Air Force National Guard Coast Guard Space Force Spouse Login Army My Profile Army Home Page Navy My Profile Navy Home Page Air Force My Profile Air Force Home Page Marines My Profile Marines Home Page Coast Guard My Profile Coast Guard Home Page Space Force My Profile Space Force Home Page National Guard My Profile National Guard Home Page Spouse My Profile Spouse Home Page My Profile News Home Page Spouse Topics Spouse Military and Family Life Military Deployment Military PCS Relationships Military Benefits Military Spouse Jobs Spouse & Family Education Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2024 PCS Podcast Military Moves Prepare for Military Transition Transition: 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid Six months after they left the Marine Corps, one wife lists what NOT to say to your spouse as they transitions to civilian... How To Find the Best Transition Resources How can a supportive spouse help her transitioning service member find the career advice he needs? 3 Steps to Zero In on Your Ultimate Job Here are tips to narrow your job search to something you actually want to do -- and get you closer to your dream job. 5 Military Transition Money Problems and How to Solve Them Finding the help and resources you need to plan for your financial transition from the military is critical. Latest In Family Families at Utah Air Force Base Lose Day Care Center as Pentagon Slashes Personnel Spending How Military Families Can Manage Debt and Build a Stronger Credit Score Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules The Daily Stress Weighing on Military Spouses Military Families Have Until March 31 to Get a Health Care Flexible Spending Account View more Military Life 101 Military Spouse and Family Benefits Don't know exactly how to get your military spouse and family benefits or want to know more about what they are? Read on. Military Life 101 Military life has a lot of nuts and bolts. You know, the little things that make up just an ordinary day. Military Spouse Employment 101 While the military will always throw a monkey wrench in any best-laid plans, your career doesn't have to be one of them. Military Spouse and Family Moves 101 Whether you're an old pro or new to the military moving game, there's stuff to learn about PCSing. Here's our easy PCS 101... Military Family Deployment 101 Preparing for deployment can seem like an uphill battle. But we've been there. Here's what you need to know. Military Spouse Education Help 101 Good news for you: Being a military spouse can actually make some parts of going back to school easier. Military Family Life 101 Military life is not easy, but we've got your back. From marriage to kids and parenting, we have the resources you need. Military Spouse Videos Master Class: Fearless: How to Be A Rich Military Spouse First, there is the real you. Then there is the secret inner part of you blistering through all the... Ukrainian Soldiers Freeze Sperm to Ensure Legacy When Ukrainian soldier Vitalii Khroniuk was lying face to the ground in an attempt to protect himself from Russian... US Invokes Defense Act for Formula Shortage President Joe Biden on Wednesday invoked the Defense Production Act to speed production of infant formula and authorized flights... First Lady Jill Biden Has a Message for Military Teens Listen to a Military Child Appreciation Day message specifically for military teens from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. (April... Celebrate National Military Appreciation Month National Military Appreciation Month is celebrated every May and is a declaration that encourages U.S. citizens to observe the... View more
How Military Households Can Avoid Unexpected Costs When Filing Their First Civilian Taxes Here's what military service members can do to reduce the likelihood of unpleasant errors in their first year of filing taxes...
Ask Lacey: How Service Members Can Stick to a Financial Budget Military-life curveballs such as mobilizations, an unplanned permanent change of station or unexpected moving costs make...
How to Keep Your Finances in Check All Year Long By reviewing your finances throughout the year, you can catch problems early, adjust your plans and make sure you're always...
5 Ways Military Families Can Start to Get Ahead Financially Here are five actionable ideas derived from certified financial planner JJ Montanaro's take on the first Military Financial...
Ask Lacey: Does Paying Off Debt or Investing for the Future Take Priority? It’s usually better to eliminate your debt, or at least reduce it, before investing in long-term savings such as your IRA.
What to Do (and What Not to Do) with Your Pay Raise Here's what to do -- and what not to do -- to ensure your pay raise sets you up for financial success.
The Best Personal Finance Tools and Resources for Military Households These are some of the best resources of financial information and advice tailored to military service members.
What to Do with Your 2025 Military Pay Raise Being strategic with their pay raise can help service members stay out of predatory situations while staying out of debt for...
Investing for Junior Troops: A Guide to Making Your Money Multiply If you have a lot to learn about investing, be aware that some of the information out there is not so good. Where should you...
What to Look for on Your January Leave and Earnings Statement It's important to check your military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) each month, but the January LES is more important...
Your Year-End Financial Action Plan, Part 4: Maximizing Retirement Use this year-end evaluation as an opportunity to discuss and get aligned on your retirement goals and portfolio.
Your Year-End Financial Action Plan, Part I: Setting the Stage A year-end financial review, when done right, acts as a recalibration for the goals that matter most to you and your family.
Why Thanksgiving Is the Perfect Time for Important Financial Conversations in Your Military Family In military families, where change is constant and the future is sometimes uncertain, Thanksgiving offers a rare and valuable...
Tricare Changes are Coming in 2025. Here’s What Beneficiaries Need to Know Right Now Tricare beneficiaries need to be aware of changes taking place in both the East and West regions and may need to take action...
When Is a Good Time to Change Your Thrift Savings Plan Investments? If an investor is feeling a lot of stress regarding their investments, that could indicate that it’s time to reevaluate their...
Keep Your Military Money Nightmares at Bay More dreadful than a haunted house tour in a hearse, tales of financial doom aren't fiction. They're painful realities. But...
4 Bad Excuses to Opt Out of the Military's Thrift Savings Plan Here are four themes driving service members' decision not to contribute to the military's Thrift Savings Plan and why I...
Do Military Households Have Misconceptions About Retirement? Here’s What They Said in a New Survey From building a solid financial foundation to preparing for emergencies and planning for retirement, the results of a recent...
More Options, Better Predictability: What Military Households Want from Their Retirement Plans If a new survey is any indicator, building a plan for the execution stage of retirement is clearly on the mind of the...
Military Families Less Likely to Dip into Retirement Savings, Survey Says -- with One Big Exception Those who wear or have worn the military uniform, based on this particular survey, appear less likely to have tapped their...
5 Reasons to Pay Attention During the Military's Financial 'Touchpoint' Training Taking full advantage of financial touchpoint training can be one of the smartest moves service members make to build a...
4 Things 'Gray Area' Reservists Need to Do When They Turn 60 Finally receiving that hard-earned military retirement pay at age 60 is a big deal, and you definitely want to get that...
Pieces of a Pie: How to Start Saving for Retirement Right Now Your retirement income will likely come from a variety of sources. Imagining retirement income as pie pieces can make the...
Intimidated by Investing? Do It Systematically One way to ease the fear of investing is to do it systematically. Here's why.
Build Up from a Solid Financial Foundation with This Pyramid-Style Approach If retirement planning and preparation is an area of your life you are looking to build out, here are a few items you might...
5 Reasons to Spring-Clean Your Retirement Plans Focusing some of your spring cleaning on successful retirement plans and investments can yield beneficial results.
5 Tools to Add to Your Retirement Toolkit If retirement planning and preparation is an area of your life you are looking to build out, here are a few items you might...
New Employer Tax Credit Helps Military Spouses Get 401(k) Retirement Benefits The Secure 2.0 Act provided the new credit to incentivize employers to quickly enroll and vest spouses in the plans.
How Much Life Insurance Do Military Families Need? 5 Questions Answered Here are answers to several of the most common questions I have received about life insurance from military members over the...
Why Now Is (Really) the Time to Apply for VA Benefits When I retired from the Army Reserve, the last thing on my mind was applying for VA health care and benefits. As a financial...
5 Financial Fundamentals to Factor into Your Civilian Job Hunt Here are five fundamental, and evergreen, money considerations related to selecting your next job, career or career path.
5 Ways to Declare Your Financial Independence This Summer Here are five ways to declare your independence from debt, plus financial steps to improve your life, liberty and the pursuit...
3 Ways Military Service Members Can Take Advantage of an IRA Individual retirement accounts involve special considerations if you are a military member. Here are three things to know. As...
Want to Ruin Your Finances? Here Are 8 Ways to Do It You may be on a path that leads to financial ruin, and that's not funny.
A Military Approach to Managing Your Money Lessons learned in the military can translate into ideas to better manage your money. Taking a few liberties, here are five...
5 Rules to Fight ‘Apocalyptically’ Dangerous Debt Here are five rules to live by, whether you find yourself in an unlikely post-apocalyptic scenario or just trying to cope...
5 Reasons to Conquer Your Fear and Start Investing Systematically Investing can be a scary proposition, but it doesn't have to be that way. A simple solution to eliminate fear from the...
6 Ideas for Cleaning Up Your Finances With all that's happened in the world over the past couple of years, it's a good time to focus your energy on cleaning up...
How to Earn More Interest from Your Cash Now That Rates Are Up Here are six factors to think about as you review your situation and determine how best to save during this time of high...
4 Strategies to Help Couples Prosper Financially A successful relationship requires hard work and a lot of money. OK, just kidding -- well, mostly kidding. The reality is...
5 Signs SBP Open Season Could Make Sense for You Here are five financial red flags that should have you considering the Survivor Benefit Plan open season.
4 Strategies to 'Enhance' Your Retirement Here are four things you can do to put yourself in a better place financially, regardless of what happens in the broader...
7 Ways the New Secure 2.0 Act Could Help You Save for Retirement To help Americans save for retirement, the Secure 2.0 Act includes promising provisions that will be implemented over the...
Why Airbnb Host May Be a Good Option for Retirement The Balcavages are Airbnb hosts; they make a business of renting out the bottom level of their house to short-term guests.
How to Invest at Each Stage of Your Military Career Whether you're active duty, Reserve or National Guard, managing your day-to-day finances can have its unique challenges...
'Military House Hacking' Wants to Reshape Your Definition of Retirement The military teaches its troops financial "readiness," but that doesn't necessarily mean financial success. This group of...
Why Vet-Owned Small Businesses Should Offer Retirement Benefits Why offering retirement benefits, even with just a handful of employees, makes better business -- and could be free.
Everything You Need to Know About The MyPay Website The military MyPay website is your one-stop-shop for everything pay related.
New VA Advisory Council to Highlight Family, Caregiver Issues Caregiver, survivor and veteran family issues soon will be pushed directly to the Department of Veterans Affairs' top...
How to Start Saving for Retirement Military Saves Week runs from April 15-19, 2024. Here’s how to start saving for retirement now.
Retiree Has Abandoned Their Disabled Children Retiree's wife wants to know if anyone can help her children get the military benefits to which they're entitled.
How to Host a Military Retirement Party Wait, do I have to plan a retirement ceremony, too? Here are some ideas on how to pull it off.
The 5 Connections We're Thankful for This Year One of the most remarkable things about building a career or launching a successful job search is how people will help you...
Do You Need a Tricare Case Manager? Instead of a different person every time on the helpline, a case manager is devoted to helping you get through the system.
How Can I Hide That I'm a Military Spouse? You may not be able to hide your military spouse status -- and in some cases, you may not need to.
So You've Hit a Marriage Setback: 3 Steps No matter where your military marriage problems come from, you don't have to deal with them alone.
Career Planning for the Military Spouse How can you grow your own career while still supporting your spouse?
How Military Spouses Pay for College How do you pay for college when you haven't got a dime? With our guide, you'll be cracking those books in no time.
Transition: 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid Six months after they left the Marine Corps, one wife lists what NOT to say to your spouse as they transitions to civilian...
How To Find the Best Transition Resources How can a supportive spouse help her transitioning service member find the career advice he needs?
3 Steps to Zero In on Your Ultimate Job Here are tips to narrow your job search to something you actually want to do -- and get you closer to your dream job.
5 Military Transition Money Problems and How to Solve Them Finding the help and resources you need to plan for your financial transition from the military is critical.
Military Spouse and Family Benefits Don't know exactly how to get your military spouse and family benefits or want to know more about what they are? Read on.
Military Life 101 Military life has a lot of nuts and bolts. You know, the little things that make up just an ordinary day.
Military Spouse Employment 101 While the military will always throw a monkey wrench in any best-laid plans, your career doesn't have to be one of them.
Military Spouse and Family Moves 101 Whether you're an old pro or new to the military moving game, there's stuff to learn about PCSing. Here's our easy PCS 101...
Military Family Deployment 101 Preparing for deployment can seem like an uphill battle. But we've been there. Here's what you need to know.
Military Spouse Education Help 101 Good news for you: Being a military spouse can actually make some parts of going back to school easier.
Military Family Life 101 Military life is not easy, but we've got your back. From marriage to kids and parenting, we have the resources you need.
Master Class: Fearless: How to Be A Rich Military Spouse First, there is the real you. Then there is the secret inner part of you blistering through all the...
Ukrainian Soldiers Freeze Sperm to Ensure Legacy When Ukrainian soldier Vitalii Khroniuk was lying face to the ground in an attempt to protect himself from Russian...
US Invokes Defense Act for Formula Shortage President Joe Biden on Wednesday invoked the Defense Production Act to speed production of infant formula and authorized flights...
First Lady Jill Biden Has a Message for Military Teens Listen to a Military Child Appreciation Day message specifically for military teens from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. (April...
Celebrate National Military Appreciation Month National Military Appreciation Month is celebrated every May and is a declaration that encourages U.S. citizens to observe the...