Former SEAL Remi Adeleke Wants the Military to Take More Chances on Inner City Kids Remi Adeleke has an amazing story to share, and the fact that he served as a Navy SEAL is almost incidental to his epic tale.
Read a Free Graphic Novel Honoring Medal of Honor Recipient Sen. Daniel Inouye Second Lt. Inouye led an assault on German forces in Italy during the final weeks of the war and continued to fight after...
The Untold Story of the Navy SEAL and Canine Hero Who Caught Bin Laden "There is something uniquely American about a man and his dog. This is not a SEAL book, and it's not a dog book. It's a story...
Alaska School District Votes to Ban 2 Iconic Military Books Alaska's population has the largest percentage of veterans per capita in the country at about 12%.
Mat Best’s ‘Not Your Typical Military Book’ Hits the Top of the Charts Mat says he's "humbled" by success, but his book truly is a different kind of military memoir.
Sean Parnell Asks, ‘How Would You Deal With Your Mom During a Firefight?’ In an excerpt from the novel "All Out War," Eric Steele is forced to deal with his mother and an assault on his house at the...
Mat Best Would Like to Thank You for His Service Mat Best has delivered a thoughtful memoir about his larger-than-life experiences as one of America's most famous veterans.
So, Superman Is a Navy SEAL Now That's right, Superman is trading in his red cape, blue tights, and red silk underpants for a high and tight and a skivvy...
McRaven: Anyone Calling Millennials 'Soft' Has Never Seen Them in a Firefight Retired Navy Adm. William H. McRaven is here to tell you that millennial haters have no idea what they're talking about.
Quadruple Amputee Marine Opens Up About the Moment That Helped Him Overcome Depression Retired Marine Sgt. John Peck has a new book called “Rebuilding Sergeant Peck: How I Put Body and Soul Back Together After...
Prepare for Air Force Special Warfare as a Non-Swimming Athlete These three questions came from one of the LIVE QA sessions I do on Mon / Tues each week...
Swimmer Critique with Stew Smith Every Monday and Tuesday 9am EAST we do a live QA on the topic of tactical Fitness and preparation...
Fix My Kick Please (Streamline and Kick Power) There are two propulsion methods for swimming: the arm pulls and the kick.
Two Reasons Why I Love and Use the TRX The TRX makes exercises harder for advanced athletes and at the same time makes exercises easier for beginners. I...
TFR 241 - Toughness Defined by Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols Most people, even scientists studying physiology and psychology, are puzzled by the mind-body connection.