Movie lovers know that "It's a Wonderful Life" doesn't really have its happy ending until Harry Bailey makes it safely back to Bedford Falls at Christmas and toasts his brother, George, as "the richest man in town."
Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday leave for military members are sacred traditions in American family life. Families sometimes learn for the first time just how much service has matured their sons and daughters, and those young military members often discover just how much their training has changed them as they return to their old lives for the first time.
In a perfect world, the travel for these holiday visits would be smooth and uneventful, with all the drama saved for the family dinner table. Unfortunately, travelers have to deal with bad weather, airplane mechanical problems, missed train or bus connections, and broken-down cars.
Of course, travel wasn't much of an issue in 2020, as most everyone stayed put during the pandemic. Let's think back before then, when everyone was scrambling to take leave for the holidays.
We want to know about your most dramatic holiday travel. During your service, what was the craziest travel experience you had when trying to get home to visit the family for Thanksgiving or Christmas?
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