Military Family Appreciation Month is a time set aside to recognize you, the military family.
Military families know what it means to serve. Every day, you get up and support your service member, standing by during long trainings and deployments. You know the risks, but you accept this life of service anyway.
You know service is an honor.
Related: Discounts for Military Family Appreciation Month
You are the backbone of our military. You are the quiet, but steady fuel at home that keeps the fire burning. You keep track of military pay, benefits and news, because you know they make a daily difference in your life. And when your time as an actively serving family comes to an end, you support your veteran.
Serving is just what you do.
Traditionally, the president signs a proclamation recognizing that service and declaring November as Military Family Month. Over the month, families just like yours are honored and recognized for their commitment and contributions in support of our military and nation.