
Military Events


Follow this page to keep track of important military dates and events that are covered by Military.com throughout the year. Event dates are subject to change.

January 2020

Surface Navy SNA Symposium: The Surface Navy Association's annual symposium brings together members of the military, business and academic communities to discuss issues and challenges pertaining to naval surface warfare. For coverage on the conference, visit Military.com's Surface Navy SNA Symposium page

Shot Show: The Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show, better known as SHOT Show, takes place annually in January. For coverage of SHOT Show, visit Military.com's SHOT Show page.

February 2020

Black History Month Read features and tributes to the service of African-Americans to the U.S. military on Military.com's Black History Month section.

February 19: Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima. Read more on Military.com.

February 19: Coast Guard Reserve Birthday. Visit the Military.com Coast Guard Reserve Birthday page for more information.

March 2020

Month of the Military Caregiver During the Month of the Military Caregiver, Americans recognize and honor military caregivers’ sacrifices and successes.

Women's History Month Read features about the achievements of women in the U.S. military in Military.com's Women's History Month section.

March 3: Navy Reserve Birthday

March 5: Navy Seabee Birthday

March 13: K9 Veterans Day; March 13, 1942 is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps. K9 Veterans Day is meant to honor all military and working dogs for their service and sacrifice for our nation.

March 25: National Medal of Honor Day. Learn more about the Medal of Honor on Military.com.

March 29: Vietnam Veterans Day This day is set aside to show honor and respect to Vietnam veterans. For veteran stories and historical articles from the Vietnam War, see Military.com's History section.

April 2020

Month of the Military Child April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to recognize the strengths and sacrifices of our military children. For more details, see this Military.com article.

PCS Season Begins For PCS guides and tips, visit Military.com's PCS section.

April 5: Gold Star Wives Day Gold Star Wives Day is in tribute to Gold Star Wives, the widows/widowers whose spouses died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, or as result of service-connected disabilities.

April 6-8: Sea-Air-Space Conference The Navy League's annual Sea-Air-Space Expo beings the U.S. defense industrial base, private-sector U.S. companies and key military decision makers together for an educational, professional and maritime-based event. For complete conference coverage, visit the Military.com Sea-Air-Space Conference page.

April 14: Air Force Reserve Birthday

April 23: Army Reserve Birthday

May 2020

National Military Appreciation Month National Military Appreciation Month is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate appreciation for the sacrifices and successes made by our service members, past and present. For more information, visit the National Military Appreciation Month page.

May 1: Silver Star Service Banner Day  A day set aside to honor our wounded, ill and dying military personnel by participating in flying a Silver Star Banner.

May 8: VE (Victory in Europe) Day (Celebrated May 7 in commonwealth countries)  May 8 marks the anniversary of the Allies' victory in Europe during World War II on May 8, 1945. For more World War II historical content, visit the Military.com History section.

May 8: Military Spouse Appreciation Day  A day set aside to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the spouses of the U.S. Armed Forces. For more details, visit the Military Spouse Appreciation Day page.

May 13: Children of Fallen Patriots Day  A day to honor the families our Fallen Heroes have left behind – especially their children. It’s a reminder to the community that we have an obligation to support the families of our Fallen Patriots.

May 16: Armed Forces Day  A day set aside to pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States’ Armed Forces. For more details, visit this Military.com Armed Forces Day page.

May 25: Memorial Day (Decoration Day) For more on Memorial Day events and history, visit the Military.com Memorial Day page.

June 2020

June 6: D-Day For more on D-Day and other articles on World War II, visit the Military.com D-Day overview.

June 14: Flag Day  A day to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag. For more details, visit the Military.com Flag Day page.

June 14: Army Birthday Since its formation during the Revolutionary War, the U.S. Army has defended our nation for over 200 years. For features and historical articles on the Army's birthday, visit Military.com's Army Birthday page.

June 23: Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday

June 27: National PTSD Awareness Day   day set aside to raise public awareness about issues related to PTSD. For more resources on PTSD and mental health, visit the Mental Health and Wellness section.

July 2020

July 4: Independence Day On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event. For more details, visit the Military.com July 4 page.

July 20-26: Farnborough International Airshow The Farnborough Air Show spotlights aviation advances and aircraft from around the world, with a strong U.S. military presence. See this Military.com section for complete air show coverage.

July 27: National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. Remember the sacrifice of the over 50,000 Americans who died and the over 100,000 wounded in the Korean War. 

July 29: Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps

August 2020

August 4: Coast Guard Birthday: The Coast Guard traces its founding to Aug. 4, 1790, when the first Congress authorized the construction of 10 vessels to enforce tariff and trade laws, prevent smuggling, and protect the collection of federal revenue. For more Coast Guard birthday and historical articles, visit the Military.com Coast Guard birthday page.

August 7: Purple Heart Day:  National Purple Heart Day honors the men and women who have been wounded or killed in military service. For more, visit the Military.com Purple Heart page.

August 8: VJ (Victory over Japan) Day: August 8 marks the day in 1945 when Japan surrendered in World War II.

August 10: Department of Defense Birthday.

August 29: Marine Corps Reserve Birthday

September 2020

September: Suicide Prevention Month. Learn more about suicide prevention on Military.com.

September 2: V-J Day. Commemorates the Allied victory over Japan in World War II. Read more on Military.com.

September 11: Patriot Day. Commemorates the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Honor Sept. 11 with Military.com.

September 14-16 Air Force Association Air Space Cyber Conference. Visit the conference page on Military.com.

September 15: POW/MIA Recognition Day. Remembers and honors service members who were Prisoners of War (POW) or are Missing in Action (MIA). Read more on Military.com

September 18: Air Force Birthday. Learn more on Military.com.

September 22-24: Modern Day Marine. Visit the Military.com Modern Day Marine conference show page.

September 30: Gold Star Mothers Day. Each year the members of American Gold Star Mothers gathers in Washington, D.C. to honor Gold Star Mother's Day. Learn more on Military.com.

October 2020

October 13: Navy Birthday For features on the Navy's birthday and history, visit the Military.com Navy Birthday page.

October 11-13: AUSA Conference Held every October, the AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition is the largest land power exposition and professional development forum in North America, with a focus on Army policies and equipment. For more details, visit Military.com's AUSA page.

October 26: National Day of the Deployed  A day set aside to honor all of the men and woman who have been deployed and are sacrificing, or have sacrificed, their lives to fight for our country and acknowledges their families that they are separated from. For more, visit the National Day of the Deployed page.

November 2020

USPS deadlines for military Christmas holiday mail: See this USPS page.

Military Family Appreciation Month  November is a month to honor and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices of the families of the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information, see the National Military Family Appreciation Month page.

November 10: Marine Corps Birthday For features on the Marine Corps' birthday and history, visit the Military.com Marine Corps Birthday page.

November 11: Veterans Day Veterans Day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served. For more features on Veterans Day, discounts for service members and veterans, and event listings, visit the Military.com Veterans Day page.

December 2020

December 1: Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxiliary) Birthday

December 7: Pearl Harbor Day December 7 marks the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the incident that precipitated the U.S.'s entry into World War II. For more Pearl Harbor features and stories, visit Military.com's Pearl Harbor page.

December 13: National Guard Birthday The military organization we know today as the National Guard came into existence with a direct declaration on December 13, 1636. For more on National Guard history, visit Military.com's National Guard Birthday page.

December 14: National Wreaths Across America  An annual laying of wreaths at veterans cemeteries across the nation.

December 28: Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Assistant

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