Top Ten Videos
Most planes look impressive even when they’re hundreds of feet in the air, but at meters away they’re awe-inspiring.
They may be the most heavily armored vehicles to hit the battlefield, but that doesn’t make them immune to precision
Whether it’s from Drill Instructors, Drill Sergeants, or just bored enlisted, when you’re on the bottom of the totem pole
You can wear a uniform and tell tall tales, but you can never B.S. a veteran. If you’re a faker
Drill instructors are masters at dishing out tough love, and their commands often veer into the absurd and hilarious.
If you’ve ever called in an A-10 strike, it’s impossible to forget the crackle of rounds exploding on the ground
Universally loved by U.S. forces and their allies, the A-10 Thunderbolt always makes an explosive entrance.
Everyone reacts differently to OC Spray training, but some react more intensely than others. Just remember: it may be hilarious
Hot sauce, tape, exploding cigarettes, and even water: all are fair game when it comes to military pranks.
When not in combat, the average soldier is put under immense pressure to cope with boredom. This of course results