Fire up the BBQ, get your multi-pack of fireworks ready to light and put some beers on ice because the 4th of July is right around the corner. The 4th is an awesome holiday. No one fights over who you should thank or appreciate (clearly, the Founding Fathers…and Lin Manuel Miranda for teaching a large chunk of Americans who the founding fathers were) and the biggest disagreement is whether it should be called "Independence Day" or "4th of July." Let's be honest: Either one is fine and everyone wins.
In addition to the aforementioned beers and bottle rockets, the 4th of July is a fantastic time to watch some super-charged 'Merica!" movies in appreciation for the independence we all enjoy today. But who wants to watch Yankee Doodle Dandy or 1776? Patriotic they may be, but they're also kind of a yawn fest. So while they may be unconventional, here are the four (see what we did there?) movies you should be watching over the holiday:
Independence Day

Well that is sort of a given, because…well…it's named for the holiday. But great naming conventions aside, this movie has Bill Pullman being a non-nerd for once AND Will Smith beating up an alien. If you don't shed even a tiny little tear when President Pullman makes his "this is our Independence Day!" speech before hopping in a fighter jet and trying to blow up some aliens…you are made of stone. Special bonus in the movie is the brilliant Jeff Goldblum as a perfect comic partner to Will Smith, especially when they're trying to do something as serious as set off a nuclear bomb on an alien mothership while simultaneously piloting a spaceship neither has ever flown before. It's good stuff, man.
Die Hard

Every holiday is a reason to watch "Die Hard." That is all. It's a testament to the brilliant and plucky little guy (or girl) who, with their American spirit and street smarts, take down the foreign villain who is stealing from them, oppressing them and threatening their freedom (*cough* revolutionary war undertones *cough*). See? I just made "Die Hard" into a 4th of July movie. You're welcome.
Top Gun

Nothing says "celebrate American freedom" like shirtless aviators playing volleyball in the sand….oh and super cool jets, and call signs like "Iceman" and "Maverick" all fueled by a guitar-heavy Kenny Loggins soundtrack. One of the most quotable of all military movies, this one stands the test of time and revs your inner patriot as you try and figure out why all the aviators are wearing polo shirts under their flight suits. Or if cocky flybys really do earn you the honor of flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog sh*t out of Hong Kong. Goose dies, Mav reengages and the world is ultimately right again after our heroes chase off those pesky MiG-28s.

I cannot do justice to this amazing piece of American cinematic perfection so I won't really try. I'll just point out that it might be the greatest celebration of American ingenuity and good old-fashioned Army fun. When I retire, I'm having an EM-50 custom made so I can travel the country like a boss. The humor is timeless. Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and John Candy are a trifecta of laughs and the graduation scene alone is worth watching on an endless loop. Who among those who have served hasn't wanted to blurt out "razzle, dazzle!" during formation? I don't know about you, but this 4th of July will include a viewing of "Stripes" and a HulkaBurger on the grill.

Yes, "Jaws." The movie is a tribute to summer, picnics, and the commercialization of the 4th of July…wait, what? Seriously, the whole movie centers on the Mayor's reluctance to close the beach (despite body parts washing ashore and clear evidence there is a shark with a big appetite nearby) because 4th of July is a huge business weekend. Enter the hero and some friends who take matters into their own hands and save the day by doing the right thing. Kinda patriotic, don't you think?
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