5 Tips for Surviving the Day on a Calorie Deficit Check out these ways to help you fight off old snacking habits while reducing portion sizes and extra calories throughout the...
Military Obesity Policies Need to Catch Up with Science, Look at New Weight Loss Drugs, Think Tank Says The Defense Department should classify obesity as a medical condition and use available treatments to help retain personnel...
8 Helpful Tips to Help You Stick to Your Diet It appears that most people are concerned about eating properly, but many need a few tips. Here are eight suggestions.
Training Consistency Is Key for Weight Loss, Military Preparation and Fitness Testing There are no shortcuts, tips, tricks or secrets that will get you to your goal when training for a specific fitness program.
Fitness Rules After 40 Years Old Fitness rules to go by, from fitness guru Stew Smith, for general health and maintenance especially after turning 40 years...
He Lost 100 Pounds. Is He Ready to Serve? A sign of maturity is patience, and this journey may take a year or two to build a foundation of fitness capable of enduring...
Getting Through Deployment with Physical Fitness While deployed, many soldiers pass the time by setting goals. Some complete civilian or military education, play instruments...
5 Questions to Help Decide What You Really Need to Get Fit and Healthy If we break down the things in our lives that we need and do not need to get healthy, we might be surprised at how effective...
Too Heavy to Fight? How the Army Is Combating the Obesity Crisis to Find Recruits Pvt. David Dean weighed 320 lbs. when he went to visit a National Guard recruiter. A West Virginia plumber by trade, he...
Army Sticking to Flawed Tape Test with Tweaks For decades, the service has used what has largely been panned as outdated methods of measuring whether a soldier is out of...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Air Force, Navy Warn Troops About Political Speech Amid Trump Administration Changes New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even...
Jury Acquits Navy Command Master Chief of Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl A six-member jury has acquitted a career Navy man of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old relative during a sleepover at his...
The 5 Most Realistic Army Movies, According to an Army Historian It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about...
The Still-Living Janitor Who Received a 'Posthumous' Medal of Honor Army Pvt. William Crawford was declared killed in action and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, which was presented to...