How to Meet Your Strength and Conditioning Goals in One Fitness Workout We all need to be strong and have cardio conditioning, and there are many ways to develop both.
How to Measure Your Level of Everyday Fitness Essential health and fitness standards depend on what you need to be capable of doing on a daily basis, but are you prepared...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The Importance of Including Flexibility and Mobility Training in Your Fitness Plan If you need to work on flexibility in your muscles and mobility of your joints, these life-changing workouts can help.
The Best Swim Strokes Worth Learning for Military Fitness Tests Many non-swimming athletes struggle to pass military swimming tests, but after practicing techniques, pool skills and...
The Best Workout to Improve Your Leg Strength and Cardio Fitness Studies show that leg strength and heart and lung efficiency are the keys to staying mobile, doing things outside of the...
The Bike Pyramid Workout You Should Be Doing If you are looking for challenging, non-impact cardio workouts, you can find many on stationary bikes, elliptical machines...
Embrace Failure as Your Greatest Teacher in the Journey to Special Ops If you have the right mindset, failures and setbacks are valuable learning experiences. They teach us to embrace shortcomings...
A Leg Day Challenge for Longevity: Working Your Heart and Lungs With Your Legs When developing longevity is your priority over one-rep maxes and timed-run events, consider the three most important “organs...
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Drops Recruiting Efforts at Prestigious Black Engineering Awards Event Until this week, Army Recruiting Command had a public partnership with the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, an...
In One of the Marines' Most Iconic Jobs, a Stunning Pattern of Suicide Marine Corps drill instructors are a national symbol of discipline. But for some, their imposing persona belies a dark reality.
Biography of Civil War Veteran Banned as Military Schools Cull Books and Lessons Under Trump Orders A review of content taught at the Department of Defense Education Activity schools has resulted in restrictions of lessons on...
Airman Promotion Test to Tech Sergeant Delayed as Air Force Combs Documents for Subjects Banned by Trump The testing cycle, which was scheduled to begin Saturday and go through April 15, will be pushed back to March 3 and will...