The Best Workout to Prepare for Advanced Military Training Programs Combining cardio workouts such as running, rucking and swimming with other load-bearing activities is necessary for those...
5 Cardio Workouts to Build Leg Endurance for Military Fitness Tests Consider the following workouts if you are focused on building leg muscle stamina while improving your cardio scores.
The Best Running Interval Workouts to Improve Your Cardio Fitness This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing...
The Best Workout to Improve Your Leg Strength and Cardio Fitness Studies show that leg strength and heart and lung efficiency are the keys to staying mobile, doing things outside of the...
How to Build Mental Toughness for Special Operations Selections Unfortunately, many will do challenging events they are unprepared for physically to test their mental toughness.
The Most Comprehensive Upper-Body Workout that Includes Cardio If you want a well-rounded, upper-body workout program that blends strength training, conditioning and cardio training, try...
How to Manage Rest Intervals to Improve Military Calisthenics Scores A combination of strength and muscle stamina (conditioning) improves calisthenics scores.
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The Best Swim Strokes Worth Learning for Military Fitness Tests Many non-swimming athletes struggle to pass military swimming tests, but after practicing techniques, pool skills and...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Air Force, Navy Warn Troops About Political Speech Amid Trump Administration Changes New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even...
Jury Acquits Navy Command Master Chief of Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl A six-member jury has acquitted a career Navy man of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old relative during a sleepover at his...
The 5 Most Realistic Army Movies, According to an Army Historian It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about...
The Still-Living Janitor Who Received a 'Posthumous' Medal of Honor Army Pvt. William Crawford was declared killed in action and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, which was presented to...