The Age Ranges for Joining US Military Special Operations Programs You have many options that may or may not require an age waiver. It's time to get to work on that dream job.
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.
How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
What You Should Know if You Want to Become a SEAL Getting accepted into these groups requires a motivated person -- not only physically fit, but also mentally tough and a...
Top 10 Things to Know Before BUD/S Every week, most of my emails are from young sailors and civilians who wish to become SEALs one day.
What You Should Know About Navy SWCC Fitness Training Future Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman operators go through an intensive course of instruction that is similar to...
This Six-Letter Word Is the Secret to Surviving SEAL Training When most people find out I spent over seven years as a Navy SEAL, one of the first things they say is: "Oh I could never do...
How Best to Approach the Navy SEAL Grinder PT Workout The definition of "grinder" is the concrete-asphalt area at BUD/S where the students do their calisthenics workouts.
How to Prepare for the Navy SEAL Fitness Test The problem with many Americans is that the current fitness and health conditions they maintain are not good enough for a...
Ask Stew: How Should I Prepare for BUD/S? I received similar emails from two young men who aspire to become SEALs one day. They both are athletic and involved with...
Hegseth and Other Top Trump Officials Just Failed OPSEC Jeff The Atlantic editor-in-chief published a bombshell article detailing how members of the administration had accidentally...
Families at Utah Air Force Base Lose Day Care Center as Pentagon Slashes Personnel Spending Hill Air Force Base in Utah has closed one of its two day care centers, harming quality of life for some service members...
As Pentagon's Top Health Nominee Prepares for Confirmation Hearing, One Senator Has a Lot of Questions Keith Bass, a retired Navy commander who previously led the White House Medical Unit and the CIA's medical service office...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Military Veterans Are Becoming the Face of Trump's Government Cuts and Democrats' Resistance As congressional lawmakers scramble to respond to President Donald Trump's slashing of the federal government, one group is...