'Kidnapped at Sea' Dispels the Old 'Sea Story' of a Black Sailor in the Confederate Navy “Kidnapped at Sea: The Civil War Voyage of David Henry White” tells the tale of a free Black man captured during one of the...
Watch How Air Force PJs Make a Daring High-Altitude Rescue on Mount Rainier Naveed Jamali, a veteran and former spy, hosts Newsweek's ongoing web series, "Unconventional," taking a behind-the-scenes...
What's the Worst War Movie Ever Made? You've shared the best war movies of all time with us. Now we want to hear your thoughts about the worst ones.
Hear Firsthand Accounts from 'The Six Triple Eight' in a Free Online Documentary Screening The trailblazing soldiers depicted in the Netflix film are featured in a free virtual screening of an informative documentary...
A New Vietnam War Documentary Series from Apple TV+ Gets Personal with Veterans and Civilians In commemoration of the final end of the Vietnam War and the fall of Saigon, Apple TV+ will premiere a new documentary that...
80 Years Later, Audie Murphy's Medal of Honor Action Is Still Like Something Out of a Movie Audie Murphy's one-man fight against the Nazis in Europe might seem like something straight out of a modern action movie, but...
Bob Uecker, Army Veteran and Longtime Baseball Announcer, Dies at 90 Before becoming a Baseball Hall of Famer, Uecker played the sport in high school and in the Army before landing a gig in the...
John Wayne's Transformative Visit to US Troops in Vietnam While Wayne traveled to Southeast Asia, anti-war protests, draft-card burnings and marches decrying American troops’...
The Battle Songs that Defined the Global War on Terrorism, According to Service Members and Veterans We asked U.S. troops and veterans what songs defined their service during the Global War on Terrorism. Here's what they had...
The Best Rarely Seen War Movies, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the best rarely seen war movies, according to a Military.com survey of U.S. service members and veterans.
As Hegseth Takes Charge at the Pentagon, Here's What Changes Could Be in Store Dozens of issues will compete for his attention, including developing the Pentagon's massive budget, decisions about aid to...
Military Effort to Scrub Diversity Programs Leads to Dead Websites and Confusion The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Space Force -- as well as the Department of Veterans Affairs -- were all working...
Here Are All the Units Now Deployed to the Border for Trump's Immigration Crackdown The bulk of deployed troops come from the Army, primarily military police, to enhance surveillance efforts and act as a...
Inside the Military's Scramble to Move Troops to the Mexico Border After the Department of Defense announced Wednesday that 1,500 troops would be initially assigned to the border mission, what...
How Trump's End to Federal Remote Work Could Affect This Alabama Base President Donald Trump’s order for federal employees to return to in-person work covers tens of thousands of personnel at...