These Veterans Go Back to Their Roots to Feed Military Families Pete Scott went to culinary school, worked as a cheesemaker, apprenticed in a beer brewery and worked as a butcher before...
8 Healthy Things You Can Do During the Last Week of the Year (and Beyond) If you are staying home and limiting travel time, consider the following things to do to help you get the new year started...
5 Tips for a Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Feast If you are considering making Thanksgiving your "cheat day" and combining eating a masterfully prepared meal with sitting...
3 Crucial Factors in Fitness Training and Recovery It is no secret that nutrition and sleep are the two most important tools to perform optimally and recover from daily...
Everything You Need to Know About Food Categories for Healthy Eating All foods can be categorized into the following categories: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary...
How to Build Strength and Durability to Prepare for Army Special Forces Recruits preparing for Army Special Forces need to prepare not only for the specifics of training, including running, rucking...
Got Complaints About the Barracks or Dining Hall? Now There's an App for That Amid widespread criticism and complaints about military barracks, cafeterias and dorms, one former Army reservist is hoping...
5 Questions to Help Decide What You Really Need to Get Fit and Healthy If we break down the things in our lives that we need and do not need to get healthy, we might be surprised at how effective...
5 Ways to Control the Key Ingredient to Losing Weight For most people in America, the main reason why we are overweight is simply the amount of food we eat.
Air Force Weight Charts In 2004, the Air Force set new weight requirements for joining. Another change is that the weight requirements are now...
For Soldiers at Fort Carson, Food Is Scarce As Americans gather for Thanksgiving feasts, soldiers at Fort Carson, Colorado, are contending with a far less festive...
The Army Needs Hundreds of Officers to Leave Combat Arms Lieutenants currently branched in armor, infantry, combat engineer and field artillery can apply between Jan. 7 and Feb. 17...
Stealth Destroyer to Be Home for 1st Hypersonic Weapon on a US Warship Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added maneuverability making them harder to...
Here Is the 2025 Pay Raise for Disabled Veterans and Military Retirees Military retirees and disabled veterans will receive 2.5% increases to their monthly paychecks for 2025, thanks to the annual...
Trump's Picks for Key Positions in His Second Administration Some of his choices could face difficult confirmation fights in the Senate, even with Republicans in control, and one...