New Graphic Novel from 'Beavis and Butt-Head' Comic Artist Perfectly Captures What it Was Like to Be Drafted for the Vietnam War The graphic novel "Drafted" follows Rick Parker's Army journey, beginning with his high school graduation, getting drafted...
Air Force Veteran Cormac McCarthy's Post-Apocalyptic Epic 'The Road' Is Now a Graphic Novel Worthy of the Original A lot of military veterans talk about preparing for a post-apocalyptic world, but author Cormac McCarthy, whose work was...
'Tis Not Our War': Why Most Americans Dodged the Civil War Draft and Deserted the Union Army It's not hard to understand why so many Americans join the military during a time of crisis.
How Julia Child Helped the Navy Develop a Shark Repellent During World War II While Child was not one of the driving forces behind the U.S. Navy's quest to develop a shark repellent during World War II...
Why No One Could Capture the Experience of Junior Enlisted Marines Like 'Generation Kill' Author Evan Wright HBO's "Generation Kill" is probably the best show ever made about modern warfare told from the perspective of those who...
Navy SEAL Vet Jack Carr's First-Ever Nonfiction Book Traces the Roots of the Global War on Terror To this day, the barracks attack in Beirut remains the single greatest loss of life the Marine Corps has experienced since...
Former SEAL Remi Adeleke Wants the Military to Take More Chances on Inner City Kids Remi Adeleke has an amazing story to share, and the fact that he served as a Navy SEAL is almost incidental to his epic tale.
How a Vietnam Draftee Became an Award-Winning Sci-Fi Author Not only was Joe Haldeman's life changed forever by his time in Vietnam, so was his work.
'Codename Nemo': How a WWII Aircraft Carrier Became the First Ship to Capture an Enemy at Sea Since the War of 1812 By June 1944, Capt. Daniel Gallery and the escort carrier USS Guadalcanal were in the middle of their second hunter-killer...
How Shannon Kent Became a Trailblazer Among US Special Operations Forces This is an excerpt from "SEND ME: The True Story of a Mother at War" by Marty Skovlund Jr. & Joe Kent.
DD214: What You Need to Know Your military discharge papers are officially known as DD Form 214, or just DD214. Here's what you need to know.
The Best Pocket Knives Whether you’re looking for your first pocket knife or just want something different to change up your everyday carry, here...
54 Job Types Down to 10? Air Force's Top Enlisted Leader Looks to Merge Maintenance Specialties Chief Master Sgt. David Flosi wants airmen to be able to take on more tasks and is pushing an initiative to reduce the number...
The Best Korean War Movies, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the best Korean War movies of the past seven decades, according to a survey of U.S. service members...
Collapse of Cyber Firm Founded by Former NSA Chief Leaves Bitter Wake Last September the never-profitable company announced it was shutting down and firing its employees after running out of...