US Soldiers Seen as More Trustworthy Than Judges, New Poll Finds Survey recipients were asked specifically about soldiers, but the word was intended to represent all U.S. troops.
Troops Who Deployed to the US-Mexico Border Are Getting a Medal The award is designated for troops who "encounter no foreign armed opposition or imminent hostile action."
Military Leaders Pledge to Keep Standards High as Ranks Grow The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps all plan to increase their personnel levels in fiscal 2019.
Upcoming U.S. Troop Deployment Could Be Last for Afghanistan The Army’s 4th Infantry Division will be sending a total of about 2,800 soldiers to Afghanistan in separate deployments this...
Opening Combat Jobs to Women Will Mean Lower Standards: Marine General Marine Gen. John Kelly broke ranks with Pentagon brass Friday on the issue of whether ground combat jobs should be open to...
Almost 300 Female Marines in Previously Closed Combat Jobs Lt. Gen. Glenn Walters hailed the progress that Marines have made in integrating the ranks.
North Korea Warns of War, Claims US and South Korea 'Jealous' North Korea warned of war Saturday as South Korea continues to blast anti-Pyongyang propaganda across the rivals' tense...
First Marine Woman to Graduate Grueling Infantry Officer Course The first woman Marine to pass the Infantry Officer Course will graduate Monday and be qualified to lead a platoon in combat.
Additional 3K US Troops in Afghanistan Will Be on 'Combat Duty' The commitment of U.S. troops to "combat duty" marks a shift from the Obama administration's strategy.
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...
The Medal of Honor Recipient Erased in the Pentagon's DEI Purge Private 1st Class Harold Gonsalves received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions during the Battle of...
Army Pulls Back Household Goods Shipments as Privatized Moving Contract Leads to Widespread Issues A memo from the Army Personal Property Lead Element, dated Feb. 28, told transportation offices to "pull back" some Army...
Pentagon Caps Civilians' Government Charge Cards at $1, Limits Travel as Part of Trump Cuts Amid mass firings, the Pentagon has effectively put a halt on the use of travel and purchasing credit cards by its civilian...
During Deadly Osprey Crash, Marine's Heroism Helped Crew Escape Fiery Wreckage The pilots and crew chief were "calm, cool and collected," Capt. Joshua Watson said, even as the two Ospreys nearly collided...