Master Class: Checklist Resume for Spouses


    Master Class Recap

    "This is one of the best sessions I have ever attended that focuses on improving your resume."

    "I joined the class as's MSEP Specialist. Great information. I hope many other spouses were able to benefit from it. Jacey is an amazing speaker, and I am glad our community has her as a support!"

    After three moves, a military spouse's resume does not look like the average job applicant. Even if you are the most awesome worker ever, a choppy resume makes recruiters hesitate to offer you the job. How can you show your best work self to a new employer?

    In this 60-minute master class for spouses, you will learn how to overcome the resume and find the work you deserve.

    1. Tell a cohesive story. Spouses usually come to me with a wide array of skills they have learned at school, on the job, in volunteer work, and on individual projects. Let me show you how to weave those into a single cohesive narrative that will capture the recruiter.
    2. Spouse status does not belong on a resume because it is not a work skill. If you want to capture any military spouse recruiters out there, I'll show you how to fix your LinkedIn profile to reveal exactly the right info.
    3. Use a keyword extractor to identify the skills employers want most. You probably have many of them; you are likely using the wrong words to describe them.
    4. We live in a time of evolving spouse programs. I've got all your best opportunities right here—especially for hybrid or remote work. 


    Event Information

    Jacey Eckhart
    Tuesday, April 23, 2024
    4pm EDT / 1pm PDT
    Veteran Employment Project

    Master Class Series

    Employers do want to hire hard-working, self-motivated veterans like you. The command does want you to keep firing on all cylinders until the last minute. Your family wants to know what will happen next right now. That is a lot of pressure. Do yourself a favor and take control over your transition by signing up for our exclusive FREE master classes now.

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    Jacey Eckhart

    Meet Jacey Eckhart

    Jacey Eckhart MA CPCC is's Transition Master Coach. She is a Certified Professional Career Coach and military sociologist who has been designing workshops and training active duty, National Guardsmen, Reservists and military spouses for decades.

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