Army Dumping Contractor Behind Troubled Tuition Assistance Platform The Army has decided it will no longer work with Deloitte, the contractor that runs the platform, once its contract expires.
Going to College for Free: Can You Afford not To? Financial aid can make the difference in attaining your educational goals.
Advice and Tips to Help You Pay for School With so many options for paying for school it can often be difficult to figure out which benefit is best for you.
Tuition Assistance 'Top-Up' Program Top-Up allows your GI Bill to pay tuition and fees not covered by Tuition Assistance.
Oregon Adds Assistance for Fees, Book Costs to Guard State Tuition Program Guardsmen would first use the federal tuition assistance available to them, and if eligible, state tuition assistance would...
The Military Provides Myriad College Benefits. Here Are Some of Them Your military service offers fantastic educational benefits. Yet most people do not take advantage of these.
'In a Very Difficult Environment,' Coast Guard Offers Incentives to Entice Recruits In his annual address on the state of the service, Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz spelled out plans to attract new members.
Air Force Cuts Tuition Assistance To prevent running out of funds, the individual annual limit has decreased, making more funds available for everyone.
Air Force Reverses Cuts to Tuition Assistance The increase comes just two months after the service cut rates.
Step 5: Learn to Save Time and Money The last step to getting your degree is to learn how to use education assistance programs to get your degree faster and...
Troop Pardons Set to Complicate Military's Muddled Response to Jan. 6 As Trump prepares to take office Monday, he has vowed to move quickly on a key campaign promise to pardon many, if not all...
Service Members Are No Longer Banned from Displaying the American Flag Horizontally at Major Events It might come as a surprise, but U.S. service members weren't technically allowed to unfurl giant U.S. flags at major events...
In Her Final Days in Office, Army Secretary Formally Establishes Service's Command Review Program The service's Command Assessment Program was established to remove bias from the selection process for command billets.
Matthew Livelsberger's Widow Breaks Silence, Refutes 'Misinformation About My Family' The widow of Matthew Livelsberger — the Colorado Springs Green Beret who died by suicide in a rented Tesla Cybertruck seconds...
The Battle over Veterans’ Health Care: How the Republican Majority Hopes to Reshape the VA With the new Congress sworn in and President-elect Trump poised for his second inauguration, Republicans have queued up a...