'Grounded': An Unusual New Opera Reexamines the Complexities of America’s Drone Wars Abroad The plot of the opera follows the journey of Jess, an Air Force F-16 fighter pilot flying combat missions in the skies over...
Katy Perry Is Fighting a Dying, Elderly Veteran to Force Him to Sell His Home Singer Katy Perry and fiancé Orlando Bloom are in the middle of a trial that could result in an 84-year-old Army veteran and...
This Taylor Swift Song Is a Tribute to Her Marine Grandfather's Service at Guadalcanal Written during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, "Epiphany" explores the similar emotions experienced by soldiers...
How British Army Vet Turned 'NCIS' Actor David McCallum Helped Birth a Hip-Hop Classic Actor David McCallum spent two years in the army, commissioned in the 3rd Battalion, Gold Coast Regiment, part of the Royal...
Who Is Ice Spice and Why Are Marines Suddenly Obsessed with Her? Ice Spice may not be in the chain of command, but she may just be one of the most powerful forces in the Marine Corps right...
'Reinventing Elvis: The '68 Comeback' Traces Elvis' Return to Music from the Army and Bad Movies A new documentary from Paramount+, "Reinventing Elvis: The '68 Comeback," tells the story of his seemingly overnight...
Tony Bennett's World War II Experience Was a 'Front-Row Seat in Hell' Singer Tony Bennett's stint in the U.S. Army during World War II led him to legendary entertainer Bob Hope, which inspired...
Famous Veteran: Tony Bennett World-class crooner Tony Bennett got his musical start while he was in the Army, studying music on the GI Bill.
Swedish Heavy Metal Band Sabaton Will Release 'The War to End All Wars' Movie Military history is filled with stories about great battles, heroic warriors and incredible acts of courage. There are so...
Why Country Music Legend and Army Vet Conway Twitty Recorded One of His Greatest Hits in Russian If it weren't for the U.S. Army, Harold Lloyd Jenkins might have become one of Major League Baseball's greatest players...
Marine Recruiter Who Wrote ‘Memoir’ About Teenage Recruit Sentenced to Prison Nearly a year after then-Gunnery Sgt. Christopher Champagne self-published a memoir about his inappropriate relationship with...
Five Chinese Nationals Charged with Covering Up Midnight Visit to Michigan Military Site U.S. authorities charged five Chinese nationals with lying and trying to cover their tracks, more than a year after they were...
Air Force Has a Problem Recruiting for Special Warfare Jobs, New Report Finds The Rand Corp. released a study detailing the issues the Air Force has faced in getting recruits to join Special Warfare...
1,000 Active-Duty Soldiers Called Up to Assist with Hurricane Helene Response The 1,000 troops, an Infantry Battalion Task Force formed from the XVIII Airborne Corps, are from the 82nd Airborne Division...
Army Testing Robot Dogs Armed with Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Rifles in Middle East The Army was testing at least one armed quadrupedal unmanned ground vehicle at an installation in Saudi Arabia.