This Popular Korean Dish Came from the Aftermath of the Korean War In the aftermath of the Korean War, necessity created an enduringly popular fusion of Korean vegetables and spices with shelf...
'Devotion' Helps Renew Search for 1st Black Navy Pilot's Remains The making of a film has reignited efforts to repatriate the remains of Jesse Brown, America’s first Black Navy pilot, who...
'Devotion' Depicts Heroism of Naval Aviators Over the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir is one of the Marine Corps' most definitive and storied fights.
Now's Your Chance to Stream the Great Korean War Movie 'Devotion' The film tells the story of the friendship between Navy aviators Jesse Brown and Thomas Hudner.
The Korean War: Everything You Need to Know The Korean War was wedged between World War II and Vietnam -- and often gets lost to history. Here's everything you need to...
The Korean War: 6 Famous Moments It is known as the 'unfinished' or 'forgotten' war. Read on for some of the most important moments from U.S. involvement in...
One of the Last Two Korean War Medal of Honor Recipients Died at 97 With his death, there are only 64 living recipients of the United States' highest award for valor in combat.
How Author Adam Makos Brought Navy Heroes Jesse Brown and Thomas Hudner to Life in 'Devotion' Before "Devotion" was the first studio movie about the Korean War in more than six decades, it was a bestselling book by the...
Director JD Dillard Was Inspired to Make Korean War Movie 'Devotion' by His Blue Angel Dad Director JD Dillard was a military kid who grew up dreaming of flight.
America's Most Decorated Native American Veteran Was Wounded In Three Wars Despite the troubled history between native tribes and the U.S. government, American Indians have served in every major...
Military Leaders Are Rattled by a List of 'Woke' Officers That a Group Urges Hegseth to Fire The list compiled by the American Accountability Foundation includes 20 general officers or senior admirals and a...
Compromise Defense Bill Would Give Junior Troops 14.5% Pay Raise in 2025 Junior enlisted service members will get a 14.5% pay raise next year under a compromise defense bill expected to pass...
Here Is the 2025 Pay Raise for Disabled Veterans and Military Retirees Military retirees and disabled veterans will receive 2.5% increases to their monthly paychecks for 2025, thanks to the annual...
Trump Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine and Says a US Withdrawal from NATO Is Possible Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to Trump's post by repeating Moscow’s long-standing message that it is open to...
Marines Face Tough Choices as Reenlistment Bonuses Are Threatened by Congress' Late Budgets Reenlistment bonuses for 933 Marines are at risk of not being paid out by the Marine Corps because Congress cannot agree to...