Airborne Ranger's 5 Tips for Veterans Looking to Break into PERSEC/OPSEC Airborne Ranger, entrepreneur and security expert Spencer Coursen says veterans are uniquely qualified and highly sought...
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit to Have Confederate Name Restored to Ranger Memorial at Fort Moore A lawsuit filed by the Columbus-based National Ranger Memorial Foundation to restore the name of a Confederate officer to the...
Army Ranger Candidates Get a Trial by Fire in New Sci-Fi Action Thriller 'War Machine' Imagine going through a difficult U.S. military special operations training school, such as the Army Ranger Assessment and...
4 Tips to Help You Become Physically Fit for Military Service Anyone can become fit to serve. It's just about consistency with daily training and incorporating various fitness elements...
Rangers Led the Way in the D-Day Landings 80 Years Ago Among the 150,000 soldiers who landed on and fought across the hostile beaches of Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944, were 1,000...
Rare Tribute of Lying in Honor at Capitol Bestowed to Korean War Hero Col. Ralph Puckett Retired Army Col. Ralph Puckett, who was the last living Medal of Honor recipient from the Korean War before his death...
Silver Star Awarded to Army Ranger Who Came to Aid of Fellow Troops During Battle of Mogadishu More than three decades after his actions during the infamous Battle of Mogadishu, retired Army Maj. Larry Moores has been...
Army Ranger Legend and Last Living Korean War Medal of Honor Recipient Ralph Puckett Dies at 97 When Ralph Puckett was chosen to lead a new Ranger company in 1950, he said a prayer: "Dear God, don't let me get a bunch of...
How Prospective Army Rangers Can Trim Their 5-Mile Run Times You will see running, rucking and high-repetition calisthenics while preparing for Ranger School through the Ranger Fitness...
What a Long-Term Fitness Training Plan Looks Like Before Joining the Military During your "thinking about serving" process, you may find several options that appeal to you, and deciding on what branch of...
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Drops Recruiting Efforts at Prestigious Black Engineering Awards Event Until this week, Army Recruiting Command had a public partnership with the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, an...
In One of the Marines' Most Iconic Jobs, a Stunning Pattern of Suicide Marine Corps drill instructors are a national symbol of discipline. But for some, their imposing persona belies a dark reality.
Biography of Civil War Veteran Banned as Military Schools Cull Books and Lessons Under Trump Orders A review of content taught at the Department of Defense Education Activity schools has resulted in restrictions of lessons on...
Airman Promotion Test to Tech Sergeant Delayed as Air Force Combs Documents for Subjects Banned by Trump The testing cycle, which was scheduled to begin Saturday and go through April 15, will be pushed back to March 3 and will...