Decision 4 of 4
The Last Day of Battle: Where Will You Make Your Final Attack?
It is early morning on July 3, 1863.
During the evening of July 2-3, the last, fresh division of the Army of North Virginia arrived under the command of General George Pickett (left). Other divisions of A. P. Hill's III Corps, which fought on the first day of battle, are reformed and rested and available for action.
Your army is tired and bloodied, but you have a final opportunity to make one more strong attack. You have three choices. Do you:
Choice #1:
Attack the Union center. After repulsing attacks on both flanks, you reason that the Union center must be weak. A successful attack there would shatter the Union army and possibly rout it.
Choice #2:
Attack the Union left again in the vicinity of the Round Tops. After coming so close to victory by attacking in the south yesterday, you believe that one more strong push to capture the Round Tops would flank the Union army and send it retreating in disorder.
Choice #3:
Withdraw in good order. You have lost nearly 20% of your army already, and most if not all of the larger Union army is on the field. You believe that no attack can produce a decisive victory and thus another time and place would yield better odds.

Choice #1:Attack the Union center. Gamble on achieving a knock-out blow. |
Choice #2:Attack the Union left flank again near the Round Tops. |
Choice #3:Withdraw to fight another day with better odds. |