Traumatic Injury Financial Protection (TSGLI): Coverage Details

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Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) provides short-term financial assistance to severely injured service members and veterans to assist them in their recovery from traumatic injuries. The following is a summary of Traumatic Injury Protection:

Who is Eligible for TSGLI?

If you are insured under full-time SGLI, you are automatically covered by TSGLI. TSGLI coverage applies to active-duty members, reservists, National Guard members, funeral honors duty and one-day muster duty.

To be eligible for payment of TSGLI, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • You must be insured by SGLI when the injury occurs.
  • Your injury must cause a loss that is covered by the policy.
  • You must have suffered the traumatic injury while in the service.
  • You must suffer a covered loss within two years (730 days) of the traumatic injury.
  • You must survive for a period of not less than seven full days from the date of the traumatic injury.

How Much Is TSGLI Coverage Worth?

All SGLI participants are insured for Traumatic Injury Protection of up to $100,000. 

Is TSGLI Like Disability Compensation?

TSGLI is not disability compensation and has no effect on entitlement to disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Defense Department.

TSGLI is insurance that provides money for a loss due to a specific traumatic event. Disability compensation, on the other hand, is intended to provide ongoing financial support to make up for the loss in income-earning potential due to service-connected injuries.

For more information, see the VA's TSGLI page.

Get the Coverage Your Family Needs

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