COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Sailor find information on certifications and licenses related to their jobs. Use COOL to get background information on credentialing and find detailed information on:
- Credentials related to a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC)
- Credential requirements and potential gaps between Navy training and civilian workforce credentialing requirements
- Resources available to fill gaps between military training and civilian credentialing requirements
- How to get a COOL funded voucher to pay for credential exam and maintenance fees
Why Are Credentials Important?
For a Sailor, civilian credentials are important for two reasons:
Career Advancement
The Navy has made them part of its workforce professionalization, so getting certified can help you in your Navy career while you're still in service.
Smoother Transitions
When you transition back to civilian employment, credentials help you translate your military training and experience into something civilian employers can easily recognize. That can help you get hired, get a better job, or be promoted sooner!
Navy COOL helps Sailors find information on certifications and licenses related to their jobs and can even provide funding to pay for credential exams and maintenance fees.
Who is Eligible For Navy Credentialing?
The Navy's Credentials Program Office has a limited amount of certification/license exam voucher funds that may be used by enlisted and officer personnel towards specifically-identified certifications and licenses. These vouchers will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. In general, the Navy will pay for credentialing exam fees under the following circumstances:
Eligibility for Enlisted Personnel
Enlisted Sailors must meet one of the following eligibility requirements:
- Be in the appropriate rating or occupation to which the credential is mapped.
- Be currently working in, or have been assigned to, a position to which the credential is mapped.
- Have prior documented experience in a position to which the credential is mapped for credentials outside of their specific rating, and the credential has relevance or applicability to the current or future needs of the command or the Navy.
- Credential being sought is substantially related to an earned academic degree or Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Career Technical Education (SOC CTE) certificate (for example, a degree in Human Resources relates to the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification; SOC CTE Certificate in Supply Chain Management relates to the Certified Professional in Supply Chain Management (CPSM) certification).
A Sailor's eligibility for credentials must be validated and approved by their Commanding Officer or command-designated approving official (E-7 or above). Additionally, before authorizing the request, commands must also certify that Sailors:
- Have passed their most recent advancement exam.
- Have passed, or been medically waived from, their most recent physical fitness assessment.
- Have not received a judicial or court-martial punishment within the past 6 months.
- Have been recommended for promotion or advancement on their most recent performance evaluation.
Eligibility for Officers
Officers may also be eligible for a certification or license voucher by meeting one of the following eligibility requirements:
- Hold the appropriate designator, be in the occupation, or be working in a position to which the credential is mapped.
- Currently work in, have orders to, or be assigned to a position in which a subspecialty code has the credential mapped.
- Have prior documented experience in a position to which the credential is mapped for credentials outside of their specific designator, and the credential has relevance or applicability to the current or future needs of the command or the Navy.
- Have passed, or been medically waived from, their most recent physical fitness assessment.
- Have not received a judicial or court-martial punishment within the past 6 months.
- Have been recommended for promotion or advancement on their most recent performance evaluation.
- Officers must have, two months or greater remaining on my military service obligation
Visit the Navy COOL website for more information.
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